The City of North Bay will have an interesting 2024 as council wrestles with big expectations. Small Town editor Dave Dale joins BayToday’s Stu Campaigne and former councillor Dave Mendicino for a panel discussion. Among the top issues facing the municipality is how to afford two of its largest ever projects (Cassellholme reconstruction and twin pad community centre) in a time of high interest rates. Also to be topical will be the Trout Lake watershed development issues, with water quality and potential for more than 100 new homes to be considered. Not mentioned and saved for another panel discussion were the massive challenges of homelessness, mental health services and addiction treatment.

0:51 Chippewa renaming
1:11 twin pad saga
4:33 staff wagging tail
8:35 election year?
11:01 Jay Aspin
12:30 Trout Lake development
14:07 drinking water
17:54 200 vacant Lots
23:37 operational review
26:29 holes in budgets
29:15 library
34:21 city services
35:11 Cassellholme
37:48 Castle Arms
40:03 media landscape

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Life views from North Bay, Ontario, Canada, with snapshots of rural living, sports and politics mixed with podcasts by a long-time story teller. Small Town Times Productions is the name of Dave Dale’s  communication business, which publishes content for online and print applications. The flagship print publication is the Back in the Bay Magazine, which […]

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