Johanne Brousseau has attended every city council meeting since losing last year’s North Bay mayoral race by a five percent margin to Peter Chirico, who garnered 724 more votes than her 6,855. She’s undecided about running again for either mayor or councillor, but she’s been keeping notes and has some advice for council members as they head into another set of budget deliberations and their second year in office.

1:00 Camera headache
2:46 Political Groomers
3:50 Explain flip flop voting
5:23 In-person facial expressions
8:18 Judge Valin invite
12:44 Going with the flow
15:19 Political future?
16:00 Chantal Rotary award
18:26 Council assessment
20:59 Paying Paul back
23:52 Integrity Commissioner
26:26 Rate first year
30:56 King and Arena
42:00 Cost of firing people
44:44 Cassellholme
52:15 Microaggressions
58:08 Campaign donation integrity

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Life views from North Bay, Ontario, Canada, with snapshots of rural living, sports and politics mixed with podcasts by a long-time story teller. Small Town Times Productions is the name of Dave Dale’s  communication business, which publishes content for online and print applications. The flagship print publication is the Back in the Bay Magazine, which […]

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