This podcast was recorded before North Bay’s soup kitchen, The Gathering Place, went public with financial issues and service reductions beginning next month.
And this ‘Between 2 Daves’ episode includes discussion about the District of Nipissing Social Services Administration Board, the potential location of a proposed ‘Homeless Hub’ (which would likely include a soup kitchen, warming place and low barrier shelter, as well as other social, mental health and addiction supports.)
The discussion also reviews some of the Casselholme (long-term care) and Castle Arms senior living) political history that may have built the foundation of Coun. Jamie Lowery’s position as a seemingly-ostracized elected official (the guest and subject of an Echo Essentials podcast released the day after this podcast was recorded).
Also worth noting, Lowery responded to North Bay Echo the other day in more detail to a question about his attendance at council-related meetings. That information will be part of today’s Echo Essentials newsletter ( to sign up for the free twice-weekly digital package).
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